Hot Lunch Appreciation
Lunch is a very big deal at Crawford Bay School.
4 days per week, starting first thing, Chef Rebecca or Chef Farley arrive, along with a volunteer or two, to start prepping a huge salad bar and the entrée of the day. Sometimes it starts with connecting with one of the incredible gardeners, Joy or Virginia, to get whatever is in season to add to the menu. Lunch could be chicken teriyaki, roasted squash soup and naan, tacos or pizza or cheesy potato bake - it is a pretty wide range of yum, and there is always a vegetarian option.
This buffet of delicious, healthy, fresh food is available to all staff and students, parents and yes, now even community members! This is a cost recovery program, so we rely on grants and donations to cover meals that families aren't able to pay for. Every child whose family wishes, can have lunch. Many families, of course, are able to pay the fee (from $4-$6 per child per lunch, depending on the age) and many families have let us know that the high cost of groceries is impacting them and request that we cover their child's lunch fee).
Over the last few years, this community and granting organizations have supported our hot lunch program enormously. Because of the dedication of the PAC and school to make this substantial lunch barrier-free, we rely on support from far and wide.
We are incredibly grateful to:
Lions Club of Kootenay Lake
Kokanee Chalets
Black Salt Cafe
Gray Creek Hall
Crawford Bay Market
Kokanee Springs Golf Resort
Vancouver Sun Foundation
Countless dedicated community volunteers who prep, cook and clean, supporting our chefs and showing our kids how much our community cares.
And I know there is more.... please reach out and let me know if I have missed anyone
Now community members are welcome to come for a Hot Lunch and salad bar for $12 Monday - Thursday. We have a small table and chairs right in the front of the school where community members can eat, or they can bring a go container to take their lunch with them. If there are more than 2 people coming for lunch, please give the office a call ahead of time, as we are just now opening up to the wider community and want to be well prepared. (The office # is 250-227-9218).
Upcoming PAC fundraisers are:
Groceries gift cards and other goodies at the Bevy of Angels Craft Fair on Sunday, Dec 10th
- PAC has Save-On-Foods and Kootenay Co-op gift cards for sale. To purchase grocery cards you can call the school or contact Jen Newcomen at
Our PAC has been making this foundational and celebrated hot lunch happen for years and we thank them for their dedication to a barrier-free, healthy lunch. Their work lifts us all up. Come and see for yourself!